Saturday, August 6, 2011

Not I, But Christ by UECM Singers from Sola Gratia

Hello again... Ü This post is about a fabulous original song by the senior pastor's wife (Ptr. Hensie Reyes) in Church, UECM. It is aptly taken from Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." This version was arranged by another pastor's wife (Ptr. Dorie Li) so basically this is a collaboration of two great minds. :) The title of the album is Sola Gratia which means "Grace alone." On to the theme... which is clearly seen in the title. Every line speaks of this theme. The chorus resounds of the same words as the verse it was taken from. The whole song blends cohesively to come out saying that everything is because of Christ. I love the play of words in verse 1 (love - love unending, lived - life, died - dying, sinful self - save). Bottom line is salvation is God's work and so all glory belongs to Him as well.

Here are the lyrics of the song:

Verse 1:
Not I, but Christ has loved with love unending.
Not I, but Christ has lived his life to give.
Not I, but Christ has died to conquer dying.
Not I, but Christ my sinful self can save.

And now for me to live is none but Jesus.
No longer I, for me to live is Christ.
And now for me to live is none but Jesus.
No longer I, for me to live is Christ.

Verse 2:
Not I, but Christ has brought us full salvation.
Not I, but Christ the world's transgressions bore.
Not I, But Christ deserves our celebration.
Not I, but Christ be lifted and adored.

And now for me to live is none but Jesus.
No longer I, for me to live is Christ.
And now for me to live is none but Jesus.
No longer I, for me to live is Christ.

Here's the mp3 version:

I will upload any videos if I find one, but for now just listen the song. Oh by the way, this is in a capella :)


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