Tuesday, April 3, 2012

脚步 by 泥土音樂 from album 脚步

Hello once again. Late last year, a Praise and Worship leader in our church introduced this song. At first I couldn't get into it since it is not the typical 讚美之泉 (Stream of Praise) song. I've left it off until we sang it again this year. Bugged by my curiosity, I finally researched about the song and the group that sang it. It is a group called 泥土音樂 (Clay Music). I copied their story from their website below:
Clay Music is a non-profit organization incorporated in California, in January 2004. Our mission is to preach the love of Jesus through music.

When I needed to pick a name for this ministry, I felt clueless for a few days. The album was merely a response to God’s grace, with no specific vision at the beginning. I remember blaming myself for not understanding exactly what God wanted to use us for, and feeling guilty that I could not come up with a name to tell people about this ministry. Then one day, as I read Jeremiah 18:6, “…Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand….” I immediately found comfort in God’s words and realized what we were…clay in His hands!

This ministry is just a piece of clay in the Potter’s hands. How is clay supposed to know what vessel the Potter will mold it into? Clay has no right to decide for the Potter, only the willingness to obey! So, I gladly named this ministry “Clay Music”. My prayer is very specific: May God’s will be done in Clay Music!

~ Amy Sand, founder of Clay Music ~
Indeed, amen! I agree to their story as I am a songwriter myself. Initially, I write songs for my own, but God used it somehow to touch people and bring them to him. The song talks about walking with God. Although at times it is hard to follow with God's step, he gives us the faith and strength to continue to follow him.

Here is Clay Music's 脚步 (Footsteps)

祢的脚步带着我的脚步 (As I follow in you footsteps)
一步一步都有祝福 (Every step brings its blessings)
每个脚步我要紧紧跟随 (I will follow ever so closely)
走在蒙福的道路 (And walk upon the blessed path)

求给我更多的勇气 (Give me more courage)
给我更多的信心 (Grant me more faith)
让我勇敢踏出 (That I may bravely take the step)
跟随祢的脚步 (To follow where You lead)
跟祢行在水面上 (Be it on water)
跟祢走在旷野地 (Or through a desert path)
曲曲折折我也不在乎 (I will take each step with no regrets)

我只要更多信靠祢 (All I have to do)
只要更多顺服祢 (Is trust and obey You more)
凡是出于祢的 (Everything that comes from You)
我就默然不语 (I willingly accept)
就算经过黑暗谷 (Even the dark valleys)
就算遇到暴风雨 (And the fierce storms)
在祢手中都将变成祝福 (Will turn into blessings in Your hands)

Here's the mp3 version:

Here's the Youtube version:

Here's the live version:

I hope that each footstep you take will lead you closer and closer to God!

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