Thursday, August 11, 2011

Journey to the Cross from

I have a song that I discovered way back when I was still new to the website It was one of the first songs that I've downloaded for free from this website and yet as I remember the words and lyrics to the song... I am once again invited to journey into the life of Christ, the man of sorrows, the lamb for the slaughter all for man's sins and transgressions.
This song is taken from Isaiah 53 and it says a whole lot about how Jesus came into the world to bear it's burden and shame. I like how verse 1 is portrayed as gloomy and dark versus how verse 2 was played as bright and with hope. If you think about it, how can a God so high and mighty lower Himself to the level of man? And yet we need to understand that He is 100% God and 100% man. He had no sin so He is the only one capable to bridge and reconcile man to God. This is our hope - that he rose again and conquered death! So I believe one day that I will also partake of that ressurrection when Christ returns again in glory!

Here's the link to go to Journey to the Cross.

Here are the lyrics of the song:

Verse 1:
Man of sorrows, how you suffered,
You were broken for me,
Your appearance, so disfigured,
By Your wounds I am healed.
And I could never know the price You paid,
And I could never understand you pain.

As I journey to the cross
I think of all that You have done,
Jesus, You who knew no sin
Came to die for me.
Taking on a sinner's death,
Humble King of righteousness,
Jesus, You who knew no sin
Came to die for me,
You came to die for me.

Verse 2:
From the cruel cross You were taken,
In a tomb You were laid,
King of Heaven, now you've risen,
You have conquered the grave.
And I could never know the price You paid,
And I could never understand Your pain.


I have two versions of the song but I like the older one better coz the music just captures the emotion of the lyrics of the song. :)
Here's the mp3 live version:

Get this widget |Track details |eSnips Social DNA

Here's the mp3 recorded version:

Get this widget |Track details |eSnips Social DNA

Here's the Youtube version:

May you also start that journey to the cross where Christ both died and conquered death! May you live a victorious life through Christ!

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