Thursday, June 30, 2011

我的一生在你手中 from 生命河 釋放屬天的能力

When you've been listening to so much noise the whole day, sometimes it is just relaxing and refreshing to listen to something new on the Internet. So I tried searching in Youtube for some music and stumbled upon this Christian Chinese song entitled "我的一生 在你手中" translated as My Life is in Your Hands. It comes from River of Life Christian Church's third album entitled "Release the Power of Heaven".

When I first listened to it, the melody seems hard to catch on but after two or three times listening to it, I could follow only the tune since the words are kind of tricky. The song is also hard since there are a lot of triplets especially in the chorus. But after asking for opinions from my close friends, I decided to teach it to our Church.

As I delved deeper and deeper into the words, I found out that it has a very rich and profound meaning. Sometimes in life we try so hard to take control of situations and practically our life. But when trouble and trial comes, we easily let go and fall. Imagine when our life is in God's hands, we need not worry nor fear because we know that He is always there, never leaving us nor forsaking us. We are under his ever sufficient grace.

Here's the lyrics of the song and the translation beside it:

在主面前 細細數算神的恩典 (Before God, counting my blessings)
我才明瞭 你的奇妙帶領 (I realize God's amazing guidance)
我等候 願能摸著你的心意 (I wait and desire to please You)
未來的路 願走在你旨意中 (May I walk according to Your will)

獻上我最愛 在祭壇前不帶走 (Offering what I love most on the altar)
帶領我前往 你所應許之地 (Lead me to the Promised Land)

我的一生 在你手中 (My life is in Your hands)
驚濤駭浪 主與我同在 (thro' fearful billows You are with me)
我的一生 在你手中 
(My life is in Your hands)
勇敢前往 向標竿直奔 (I run towards the goal courageously)
我的一生 在你手中 
(My life is in Your hands)
甘心順服 得最終獎賞 (I submit to have the reward)
我的一生 在你手中 
(My life is in Your hands)
我深知道 我的一生在你手中 (I know that my life is in Your hands)

Here's the song piece version:

The mp3 version is here:

The Youtube version is here:

To visit River of Life Christian Church website, click here. Choose from English or Chinese.

Thanks for listening! God bless!

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