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Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your waysand my thoughts than your thoughts."
This is the Bible verse where our song for today is taken. It is aptly called "God's Way". It is interesting to note that in the secular world, there's a song called "My Way", but I guess, in the end, God's way is still better especially if you've personally experienced His love, grace and mercy.
This song is sung by one of my favorite Chinese Christian singing group called Heavenly Melody. You can visit their site here.
Here's the lyrics to the song:
神的道路高過人的道路,(God's ways are higher than man's ways) 神的意念高過人的意念。(God's thoughts are higher than man's thoughts) 祂的心裡有藍圖,(He has a blueprint in His heart) 祂的時間不錯誤,(His timing is never mistaken) 一步一步帶領你前途。(Leading you step by step to the future)
祂立大地的根基,(He established the foundation of the earth) 祂讓雲彩空中漂浮,(He let the clouds float in the air) 是他創造生命氣息,(It is He who created life's breath) 是他應許照顧賜福。(It is He who promised to care and bless) 神造萬物各按其時,(God made everything in His time) 耐心等待必要歡呼。(Patiently waiting with joy) 啊!...耐心等待要歡呼。(Ah... Patiently waiting with joy)
Another one of my favorites from the game Ar Tonelico. It seems this strange, unintelligible language has captured my heart one way or another through its uniqueness and abrupt change in emotion.
This song seems to bring me somewhere else like in a fairy tale, like in a make belief world where maidens are singing calming yet meaningful songs. And in the actual case of the game, these songs turn into powerful spells which aid your characters to defeat the baddies! hehe
Well enough chitchat and here's the lyrics of the song (the lyrics is a re-post from this blog)
This song came after I read the first chapter of Max Lucado's God Came Near. Isn't it a wonder that we could miss such a big event like the birth of Christ in the midst of our everyday chores. This song reminds me that all we do - our life - is meaningless, incomplete, empty even lost WITHOUT God's grace in our lives. This is my prayer today that I might truly see Him in my life.
Verse 1:
As a page is empty without words or paint,
My life is hollow without You.
As a quilt has holes without its bright patches,
My life is incomplete without You!
O Lord, let me see You, open my eyes.
Lord, let me see Your majesty.
Lord, let me catch a glimpse of Your face.
May I experience Your overflowing grace.
Verse 2:
Like a boat that cannot turn left or right,
My life is lost without You.
As music goes wrong without its harmony,
My life is meaningless without You!
O Lord, let me see You, open my eyes.
Lord, let me see Your majesty.
Lord, let me catch a glimpse of Your face.
May I experience Your overflowing grace.
A remake of the timeless classic from the movie "Wizard of Oz" comes back to life... "Over the Rainbow" aka "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was originally sung by Judy Garland in the beginning of the movie. Judy Garland (as Dorothy) just experienced an awful situation, but her aunt didn't mind her and even told her to go off somewhere where she will not be trouble. She imagined a place where there is no trouble... somewhere inaccessible by boat or train... somewhere beyond the moon, beyond the rainbow... This is the background of the song.
Here we see this song played as an end to the Glee season 1 after being beaten by the opponent glee club. Yes, they were defeated but the song implies a positive tone and an optimistic future where brighter days are expected.
I love this version because of the ukelele effect and the blending of the singers is magnificent. I also treasure the message of it!
Here's the lyrics to this song:
Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high, There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue, And the dreams that you dare to dream Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far Behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why, oh why can't I?
Here's the mp3 of the song:
Here's the Glee version from Youtube:
Here's the original version of Judy Garland:
Somewhere over the rainbow, all my dreams will come true :p