Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Working Song by Amy Adams from Enchanted OST

It's a Monday again, and I'm sure there's a lot of people out there who have the Monday blues. These are the people who hate Monday mornings, Monday traffics, early meetings, submission of deliverable, etc. This is not necessarily common to the corporate scene only but it also happens to people working at home or in school. Well, if you are one of these people, then I've got just the right song for you.

I remember a fun song from the Disney movie "Enchanted." I clearly remember the parody scene where Giselle (Amy Adams) was at Robert's (Patrick Dempsey) house and she decided to clean the house and cook breakfast. OF course, she calls her "new" city friends since she is not in the forest. And when she began to sing, all city creatures like birds, rodents and cockroaches came in to help her. My point being that work could be fun and happy. It depends on your goal and motive and attitude!

Here are the lyrics:

All right everyone, time to tidy things up

Come my little friends 
As we all sing a happy little working song
Merry little voices clear and strong
Come and roll your sleeves up 
So that we can pitch in
Cleaning crud up in the kitchen 
As we sing along

And you’ll trill a cheery tune in the tub 
As we scrub a stubborn mildew stain
Lug a hairball from the shower drain
To the gay refrain 
Of a happy working song

We’ll keep singing without fail
Otherwise we’d spoil it
Hosing down the garbage pail 
And scrubbing up the toilet

How we all enjoy letting loose with a little 
While we’re emptying the vacu-um
It’s such fun to hum
A happy working song 
A happy working song

Oh, how strange a place to be
Till Edward comes for me 
My heart is sighing
Still, as long as I am here
I guess a new experience 
Could be worth trying
Hey! Keep drying!

You could do a lot when you got
Such a happy little tune to hum
While you’re sponging up the soapy scum
We adore each filthy chore 
That we determine
So friends even though you’re vermin
We’re a happy working throng

Singing as we fetch the detergent box
Or the smelly shirts and the stinky socks
Sing along
If you cannot sing then hum along
As we’re finishing our happy working song!

Ah...wasn’t this fun?

Here's the mp3 version:

Here's the Youtube version:

Happy Working Monday!


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