Friday, June 1, 2012

就在這裡 by 泥土音樂 from album 就在這裡

I was pondering what song to do for prelude last Sunday when it hit me... right there and then Amy Sand's song played in my iPhone. The song's title is 就在這裡 (Right Here). I was really listening to the music... not only the tune and melody but also the lyrics and the realness of the singer.

Anyway as a priase leader, we were required to show an example on how to quiet down before the worship service starts... so the congregation can go back to their seats and quiet down in preparation for worship. As I prepare to go up the stage and sing the prelude, I felt nervousness in my stomach. I remember how my good friend Rev. Harg Ang would say "Here you go God" before going up the pulpit everytime he gave his sermon. So I did the same.

I can't really explain what I felt when I sang this song... it was as if the peace of God came upon me! I started to close my eyes and sing very quietly the verse and chorus. I now understood what my friend meant by that statement. When we shift our focus from ourselves to God, all things work together for them. In this case, I felt calm and more confident to come boldly before the throne of grace.

Afterwhich, the piano played an interlude and visions of imagery filled my mind. I imagined God smiling on this little church and very well pleased that we came there to seek him and praise him.

After the interlude, I sang again the verse and the chorus to which I sang differently because I know that it is not about me, it is about God. People did not come here to see me or hear me sing, they came here to worship God and be blessed by the sermon.

Right here, right now, we want to worship God!

Here's a link to a free piano sheet from 就在這裡.pdf

Here are the lyrics to the song:

最好的時刻, 最美的地方, (The best moment, the best place...)
就是現在, 就在這裡. (Is now... Is right here...)
因這裡有祢, 有祢的同在, (Because your presence is here)
吸引我, 不願離開. (It draws me to never leave)

就在這裡, 我要尋求祢, (Right here, I will seek you)
懇求聖靈, 翩然地降臨, (O Holy Spirit, lightly come down)
如波浪洪濤漫過我身, (Like big waves flowing over my body)
無比榮耀, 充滿全地. (Your incomparable glory fills the earth)
在這裡, 我要敬拜祢, (Right here, I will worship you)
全心全意, 歸榮耀給祢. (With all my heart and will, all glory to you)
這一刻, 在地如在天. (In this moment, it's like heaven on earth)
這裡有祢, 勝過萬有, (You are here, surpassing all things)
別無所求. (I ask for nothing else)

Here's the mp3 version:

Here's the Youtube version:

Here's the live version:

無論你在那裡, 此時此刻, 就可以來敬拜祂!