Saturday, December 24, 2011

O Christmas by Byron Lim

It has been 5 years since I wrote this song and I believe the message is still as meaningful as before if not more endearing. Thanks Wenslyn for transcribing this onto a music sheet for me.

The beauty of this song is in its internal message. (Clue: something to do with the bold verbs) The melody of the song is purposely written not to be melancholic but to be very solemn and reflective. Christmas is not only a time to be merry but also a time to be silent as we remember the purpose of the blessed event. 

Christmas, O Christmas
A time to care for the people around
A time to hope in the newborn Son
A time to remember of what has been done
Christmas, O Christmas

Christmas, O Christmas
A time to invite someone to the Lord
A time to spread the good news everywhere
A time for thanksgiving and kneeling in pray’r
Christmas, O Christmas

Christmas, O Christmas
A time to make joyful music to Him
A time to allow for God’s work to begin
A time to surrender and turn from our sin!

Christmas, O Christmas

Need a clue? Get the first letters of all the verbs...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bethlehemian Rhapsody by Mark Bradford

Mary and Joseph
Since I've started reviewing and writing about songs in this site, it is good once in a while to be able to just listen to creative stuff by other people especially when it comes to changing lyrics set into popular music. What's more special about the song that I'm reviewing now is that Christian lyrics are set into the very popular secular music of Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody.

I like the idea that puppets were made as actors in this music video as it makes the story and song rendition more interesting and easy to watch since the scenes shift so drastically.

Here's the lyrics to sing along:

Is this the real birth? Is it Nativity? 
Caught in a census, in the town of his ancestry. 
Open your eyes, look up to the skies & see...

He's just a poor boy, foretold by prophecy 
Because the wise men come, wise men go, angels high, shepherds low; 
This is how God's love shows, it's a wondrous story to me, to me. 

Mary just got the word 
The angel did appear, but he told her not to fear. 
Mary, now it's just begun. Your son is gonna wash our sins away.
Mary, ooooh....
The God who reigns on high has sent his son thru you to die for all.

I see a little sillouetto of a sheep, 
Shepherds watch, Shepherds watch over their flocks at nighttime. 
Angels shine like lightning, very very frightening me. 
Glory to God! Peace on earth! (repeat) 
Unto you is born this day, the only way! 

I'm just a shepherd, nobody loves me.
He's just a shepherd from a poor family. 
Angels said, go to the stable & see. 
Wise men come, wise men go, will Herod let him live?  
Hey Herod, NO he will not let him live...BETTER GO! (repeat) 
GO, go, go, go! 
Oh, Mary, Joseph, Mary, Joseph to Egypt now, 
gotta save your son who came for me, for me, for me!

So you think that it's just a tale of days gone by? 
But this child who was born went to Calvary to die. 
Oh, Jesus, it's the story of Jesus
Wash our sins out, wash our sins right out of here. 
It's a wondrous story, anyone can see. 
Let's give God the glory, it's a wondrous story to me.

Here's the inspiring video:

The most important line of the story is of course the last two lines:
It's a wondrous story, anyone can see. 
Let's give God the glory, it's a wondrous story to me.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Little Drummer Boy by Sean Quigley

I have heard several versions of the song "Little Drummer Boy" but none that has more impact as Sean Quigley's version. Heck, I've been listening to the song every Christmas and yet not know the story behind it nor have I spent time to really listen to the lyrics. And what is more for me to be amazed is how Sean, a 16 yr old Chritsian boy from Winnipeg, could come up with this brilliant project as his gift for Jesus this Christmas.

Sean played drums, sang the song, recorded the video, and even edited the video which is now being seen worldwide. How cool is that and how big a testimony is that showing the world why we celebrate Christmas!

Sean recounts the story of the song in his interview with Larry Updike on CBC. "There was this little boy gets word of Jesus being born, but he doesn't get to see him and he doesn't have anything to give him. I have no money, I has no physical gift, but I can play the drum... And that's more than enough."

Interesting in the video are several friends of his who held "Merry Christmas" in several languages. Sean thought of doing this so that this message can be understood by a lot of people in the world and bring cheer to them this season.

Sean added that it is not for recognition but all for Jesus. Still, his video is getting positive reviews and recognition (especially in school). :)

Here's the lyrics to the song:

Come they told me, (Pa rum pum pum pum)
A new born king to see (Pa rum pum pum pum)
Our finest gifts we bring (Pa rum pum pum pum)
To lay before the king 
(Pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum)
So to honor him, (Pa rum pum pum pum)
When we come.

Little baby, (Pa rum pum pum pum)
I am a poor boy too.(Pa rum pum pum pum)
I have no gift to bring (Pa rum pum pum pum)
Thats fit to give the king 
(Pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum)
Shall I play for you, (Pa rum pum pum pum)
On my drum.

Mary nodded, (Pa rum pum pum pum)
They ox and lamb kept time, (Pa rum pum pum pum)
I played my drum for him, (Pa rum pum pum pum)
I played my best for him, 
(Pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum)
Then he smiled at me, (Pa rum pum pum pum)
Me and my drum

Then he smiled at me, (Pa rum pum pum pum)
Me and my drum

Here's the mp3 version:

Here's the Youtube version:

Happy drumming!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Higher Window by Josh Groban from Illuminations

One of my favorite singers... one that I strive to be... singer with platinum albums... singer with a wide range of voice... singer of classical and pop... singer of inspirational, uplifting music... that is Josh Groban! I've practically followed this singer as he grew and grew from the boy who sang "The Prayer" with Celine Dion to the now grown-up 30 years old solo artist that he has become.

The song "Higher Window" is from his recent album "Illuminations". I love the lyrics of the song particularly the last line of the chorus... "Just don't tell me that it's too late for me to love you." Have you ever felt that you were meant for someone in this world? Someone like a soul mate? My girl and me have practically known each other since were 8 yrs. old. We have grown up with each other in school, church and practically in our circle of friends. I feel she is the one sent by God to me to love and to care. My pops always tell me that life is short and I should get engaged with her already. In a sense, he is right because they are getting older... we are both not getting younger. So this made me gather my guts and tell her how I feel. At least now, she is my girl and it was not too late for us. :) 

Here's the lyrics:

For all the times I tried for this
And every chance at you I missed
I've been known to go my way, but I confess
It made me miss you more

I drew my line across the sand
And set my flag in no man's land
But here I am the one man band
With a song that's meant for two

And there is a light, from a higher window
Shining down on you tonight
And the music floats on the breeze
Bringing an easier time
And all of our cards are on the table
Tell me what you want to do
Just don't tell me that it's too late
For me to love you

How perfect we were meant to be
Our warm and silent symmetry
It's times like these when all, all we need
Is to be reminded

And I have flown a thousand miles
To empty room and crowded aisles
And we went from cathedral bells
To show and tell and wish you wells
And I, I still look at you and I am blinded I am blinded

Because there is a light, from a higher window
Shining down on us tonight
And the music floats on the breeze
From an easier time
And all of our cards are on the table
Tell me what you want to do
Just don't tell me that it's too late
Don't tell me that it's too late now
Just don't tell me that it´s too late 
for me to love you.

Here's the mp3 version:

Here's the Youtube version:

Hope you won't be too late in love :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

神的道路 by 天韻 from 與信心有約

Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

This is the Bible verse where our song for today is taken. It is aptly called "God's Way". It is interesting to note that in the secular world, there's a song called "My Way", but I guess, in the end, God's way is still better especially if you've personally experienced His love, grace and mercy.

This song is sung by one of my favorite Chinese Christian singing group called Heavenly Melody. You can visit their site here.

Here's the lyrics to the song:

神的道路高過人的道路,(God's ways are higher than man's ways)
神的意念高過人的意念。(God's thoughts are higher than man's thoughts)
祂的心裡有藍圖,(He has a blueprint in His heart)
祂的時間不錯誤,(His timing is never mistaken)
一步一步帶領你前途。(Leading you step by step to the future)

祂立大地的根基,(He established the foundation of the earth)
祂讓雲彩空中漂浮,(He let the clouds float in the air)
是他創造生命氣息,(It is He who created life's breath)
是他應許照顧賜福。(It is He who promised to care and bless)
神造萬物各按其時,(God made everything in His time)
耐心等待必要歡呼(Patiently waiting with joy)
啊!...耐心等待要歡呼。(Ah... Patiently waiting with joy)

Here's the mp3 version:

Here's the Youtube version:

Hope you consider today God's way!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Expressive Hill ~ Harmonics EOLIA ~ from Ar Tonelico Hymmnos Concert

Another one of my favorites from the game Ar Tonelico. It seems this strange, unintelligible language has captured my heart one way or another through its uniqueness and abrupt change in emotion.

This song seems to bring me somewhere else like in a fairy tale, like in a make belief world where maidens are singing calming yet meaningful songs. And in the actual case of the game, these songs turn into powerful spells which aid your characters to defeat the baddies! hehe

Well enough chitchat and here's the lyrics of the song (the lyrics is a re-post from this blog)

Expressive Hill ~ Harmonics EOLIA ~

Lyrics: Tsuchiya Akira
Composition: Tsuchiya Akira
Arrangement: Tsuchiya Akira
Vocals: Shikata Akiko

Rrha ki ra tie yor ini en nha
Come here
Wee ki ra parge yor ar ciel
Strip off everything
Was yea ra chs mea yor en fwal
Because I’ll accept all of you
Ma ki ga ks maya yor syec
Don’t be afraid, entrust your body to me

Was yea ra Was yea ra
I’m happy, I’m happy
chs hymme
being able to become the waves
chs frawr
being able to become the flowers
chs yor
being able to become you
en chs ar ciel ya
being able to become the world

Wee yea ra ene foul enrer
I always think that hymns are mysterious
Wee yea ra ene hymme syec mea
That hymns shake the bottom of my heart more than anything
Was yea ra hymme mea ks maya gyen yeal
As if weaving the magic of happiness, I strum my heartstrings
innna ar hopb syec mea ya.ya!
in the abyss of my deep, deep heart

Amakami o kakemau   tama sasayaki yueba
When you tie the spiritual murmuring that flies in the heavens
Kanmuribi furi michite   nani hito yuki orinase
The crown fire falls to the brim, weaving happiness for everyone

Samidare no aimi o   tada nagaruru koe wa
The voice that simply drifts in the indigo sea of early summer rain
Utsurohi sakanagi   oboroge na furusato no ne
Is the changing and reversed calm, the vague sound of home

Kanade narifuku gaia   sora ni hibiki ainaseba
When the gaia, which plays and calls, mutually echoes to the sky
Habataku   inori no uta   matohite
It entwines with the soaring song of your prayer

Ar tonelico
Ar tonelico

Yasuragi no oka   namida no garasu   kioku no hako   omoi no hi
The hill of peace, the glass of tears, the box of memories, the monument of thoughts
Hitoe ikue no utsurofu kiito   tamashii no ne musubi tsunagu
Single and multiple hollow and raw silk threads tie and connect the roots of souls

Tayutau mu no umi   shourei no kazaiki
The swaying ocean of nothingness, the spirits’ breaths of wind
Toke yufu mandara ni   utahi no miko are
There exists singing maidens in the untying and tying mandala

Here is the mp3 version:

Here is the Youtube version:

Did you feel this song?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Life Without You by Byron Lim

This song came after I read the first chapter of Max Lucado's God Came Near. Isn't it a wonder that we could miss such a big event like the birth of Christ in the midst of our everyday chores. This song reminds me that all we do - our life - is meaningless, incomplete, empty even lost WITHOUT God's grace in our lives. This is my prayer today that I might truly see Him in my life.


Verse 1:
As a page is empty without words or paint,
My life is hollow without You.
As a quilt has holes without its bright patches,
My life is incomplete without You!

O Lord, let me see You, open my eyes.
Lord, let me see Your majesty.
Lord, let me catch a glimpse of Your face.
May I experience Your overflowing grace.

Verse 2:
Like a boat that cannot turn left or right,
My life is lost without You.
As music goes wrong without its harmony,
My life is meaningless without You!

O Lord, let me see You, open my eyes.
Lord, let me see Your majesty.
Lord, let me catch a glimpse of Your face.
May I experience Your overflowing grace.


My life is nothing Lord… without You!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Over the Rainbow from GLEE: The Music - Journey to Regionals by Glee Cast

A remake of the timeless classic from the movie "Wizard of Oz" comes back to life... "Over the Rainbow" aka "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was originally sung by Judy Garland in the beginning of the movie. Judy Garland (as Dorothy) just experienced an awful situation, but her aunt didn't mind her and even told her to go off somewhere where she will not be trouble. She imagined a place where there is no trouble... somewhere inaccessible by boat or train... somewhere beyond the moon, beyond the rainbow... This is the background of the song.

Here we see this song played as an end to the Glee season 1 after being beaten by the opponent glee club. Yes, they were defeated but the song implies a positive tone and an optimistic future where brighter days are expected.

I love this version because of the ukelele effect and the blending of the singers is magnificent. I also treasure the message of it!

Here's the lyrics to this song:

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.

Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far
Behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly.
Birds fly over the rainbow.
Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

Here's the mp3 of the song:

Here's the Glee version from Youtube:

Here's the original version of Judy Garland:

Somewhere over the rainbow, all my dreams will come true :p

Monday, October 31, 2011

Collapse by Byron Lim

Completed September 20, 2006

A true account just happened here in the office and I saw the person on the floor already. This experience motivated me to write this poem. It made me think of "What if I saw her while she was collapsing, what would I do?" Hope you'll really consider the question too.

My friend, I want to ask you a simple question, just something out of the blue.
"If you saw a person just collapsing in front of your eyes, what would you do?"

Honestly speaking, would you have helped that person yourself and just dive right through?
Or would you rather order some people to help maybe someone from your crew?

Would you be the one to call an ambulance even though you don’t have a clue?
Or would you be the first to leave and say to that person, “Bye-bye and adieu!”

Would you disperse the growing crowd and dare say to them a big “Go away! Shoo!”
Or would you call other people, even stay there to see an intriguing view?

Would you be the one to hold that person’s hand to encourage, comfort and coo?
Or would you still act and behave like that person is someone you never knew?

Would you go with that person to the hospital – something done by just a few?
Or would you continue what you’re doing because you’re afraid it’d go past due?

Would you go to the extent of praying for that person – a concern that’s true!
Or would you rather do things awaiting something in return or a thank you?

"If you saw a person just collapsing in front of your eyes, what would you do?"
My friend, please consider another question, “What if all these happen to you?”

Take it easy my friend... or you might collapse!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More To This Life! by Byron Lim

I am reposting some of my earlier works from my previous blog here as I feel it is still a big part of me that I want to share with you guys.

This first poem is my last post there. I feel it is just fitting to be the very first poem that I post here.

In my little space on earth, I try to live my best.
Yet many times I've failed and just went on like the rest.
I've worked and toiled and burned my brow so that I'd fit in.
But still I can't attain that sense of peace from within.

I've done a lot of mistakes that I'd like to forget...
I tell you - thinking of these only makes me upset!
Somehow I knew that living this life should be better...
Like I should live my life for a purpose much greater!

But just like what happened at the road to Damascus,
Something is stirring inside of me that made me muse...
About life, about love, about God and other things -
Something more to this life and what it hopes to bring!

Hope this made you muse as well :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

허수아비 (Scarecrow) by 정일우 (Jung Il Woo) from 49 Days OST

Have you ever heard of the saying "Show your love to a person when they are still alive... for when you are dead, no matter how hard you try, it won't reach them." This is very true... But for the song that I'm reviewing here, it is the opposite and yet the same... confused? Lemme explain... it is opposite since the one singing is dead and he is singing this to his living girlfriend. It is also the same because no matter who is singing this for whom, the result is the same... they are forever separated physically because I believe there is still a bond that is strong despite death and that its the memory of the person.

Jung Il Woo aka
Scheduler and the singer
The background of this song is based on a character in the Korean TV drama series "49 Days". The character I'm talking about is the Scheduler who gives people that go under coma another chance to live by going through a program called 49 Days. For 49 days, the soul of the person can wander around and enter 1 person's body. After entering, they have a mission to get 3 pure tears from 3 true friends that are not family or relatives. If they can get 3 pure tears, then they will be revived. Well, the Scheduler himself has met a terrible accident and forgot of the love that he left behind. It is only by meeting the protagonist that he remembers his love thus follows the sad story between the two. Now, as a spirit, though he slowly remembers his feelings for the one left behind, he cannot do anything just like a scarecrow...

Here's the lyrics, romanization & translation:

손끝에 너를 느껴보려 해도
자꾸 잊는다 매번 잊는다 만질 수도 없단걸
알고있는지 내 맘 속엔 방 하나
니가 살아서 다른 누구도 안돼

기억조차 잃어 온기마저 없어 이젠

난 한발로 서 있는 허수아비
너 없이 맘 저는 슬픈 허수아비
거친 바람 속에서 자꾸 흔들려 내 몸이 흩어진데도
언젠가 니가 온다면 내 두팔 벌려 너를 안고 싶어
I will wait for you

너의 목소리 흘려 버리려 해도
귀에 맴돌아 자꾸 맴돌아 또 생각나

니가 있던 시간 흐르지 못하게 그 앞을 막아도

난 한발로 서 있는 허수아비
너 없이 마음 저는 슬픈 허수아비
거친 바람 속에서 자꾸 흔들려 내 몸이 흩어진데도
언젠가 니가 온다면 내 두팔 벌려 너를 안고 싶어
I will wait for you

Don’t wanna let you go (let you go)
Don’t wanna let you go (let you go)
못 박힌 듯 숨 멈춘 듯 여기에
그때 못한 말 이제 하는 말 다 늦었겠지만
널 사랑해 널 사랑해 My love

난 한곳만 늘 보는 해바라기
너 없는 난 갈곳 없는 재투성이 아이
거친 바람 속에서 자꾸 흔들려 내 몸이 흩어진데도
언젠가 니가 온다면 내 두팔 벌려 너를 안고 싶어
I will still love you


Sonkkeute neoreul neukkyeo boryeo haedo
Jakku inneunda maebeon inneunda
Manjil sudo eoptangeol
Algo inneunji nae mam sogen bang hana
Niga saraseo dareun nugudo andwae~

Gieokjocha irheo ongimajyeo eopseo ijen

Nan hanballo seo inneun heosuabi
Neo eopshi mam jeoneun seulpeun heosuabi
Geochin baram sogeseo jakku heundeullyeo
Nae momi heuteeo jintedo
Eonjega niga ondamyeon
Nae dupal beollyeo neoreul algo shipeo
I'll wait for you

Neoeui moksori heullyeo beoriryeo haedo
Gwie maemdora
Jakku maemdora
Tto saenggakna

Niga itteon shigan heureuji mothage geu apeul magado

Nan hanballo seo inneun heosuabi
Neo eopshi mam jeoneun seulpeun heosuabi
Geochin baram sogeseo jakku heundeullyeo
Nae momi heuteeo jintedo
Eonjega niga ondamyeon
Nae dupal beollyeo neoreul algo shipeo
I'll wait for you

Don't wanna let you go (let you go~)
Don't wanna let you go (let you go~)
Mot bakhin deut sum meomchun deut yeogie
Geuttae mothan mal ije haneun mal da neujeotgetjiman
Neol saranghae neol saranghae my love~

Nan hangotman neulboneun haebaragi
Neo eopneun nan galgot eopneun jaetuseongi ai
Geochin baram sogeseo jakku heundeullyeo
Nae momi heuteojindedo
Eonjenga niga ondamyeon
Nae dupal beollyeo neoreul algo shipeo
I'll still love you


I try to feel you at the tip of my fingers
But I forget. I always forget that I can’t touch you.
Do you know? Because you live in the one room of my heart,
No one else will do.

Even the memories are lost, even the warmth is gone… now.

I’m a scarecrow standing on one foot
I’m a sad scarecrow, my heart aching without you.
In the harsh wind, I keep swaying
Even if my body scatters apart
If you’d come to me some day
I want to embrace you with my arms wide open.
I’ll wait for you.

Even when I try to send your voice away,
It lingers in my ears. It keeps lingering and I think of it again,
So that the time you were here can’t flow away, I block the way.

I’m a scarecrow standing on one foot
I’m a sad scarecrow, my heart aching without you.
In the harsh wind, I keep swaying
Even if my body scatters apart
If you’d come to me some day
I want to embrace you with my arms wide open.
I’ll wait for you.

Don’t wanna let you go (let you go) 
Don’t wanna let you go (let you go)
As if a nail has pierced me, as if my breath has stopped, here…

Words I couldn't say then, words I’m saying now, 

though it may be too late 
I love you, I love you, My Love

I’m a sunflower that only looks toward one place
Without you, I’m an ash-covered child with nowhere to go

In the harsh wind, I keep swaying
Even if my body scatters apart
If you’d come to me some day
I want to embrace you with my arms wide open.
I still love you.

Romanization by: B o o Y i . r A g A m U f F i N ™
Translation by: kurobukubota@blogspot

Here's the mp3:

 Here's the Youtube version:

Cherish the people around you!

Friday, October 14, 2011

童話 by 王光良 from album 童話

Love is supposed to be a happy thing and yet for some people love is a sad, sad story. With all the Korean, Japanese or Filipino TV series that are airing at night, it is as if all point towards a love that is painful, hard and difficult due to adultery, love triangles, or even misguided (misinterpreted) love.

For some people still, love is both a happy and sad feeling especially when you've found the right person for you but the that person has an incurable sickness. In life, nothing is permanent. Health, wealth, beauty... all fade or vanish in time. Such is the sad story behind this song entitled 童話 (Fairy Tale) by Malaysian singer 王光良 (Michael Wong). And yet despite all the sad thing that has happened, I think the guy in the story is thankful and hopeful that even in fairy tales, their love will endure forever.

Here's the lyrics (Chinese, pin yin & English Translation):

忘了有多久 (I've forgotten how long it has been)
wàng le yǒu duō jiǔ

再没听到你 (Since the last time I heard you)
zài méi tīng dào nǐ

对我说你最爱的故事 (
and I told you your favourite story)
duì wǒ shuō nǐ zuì ài de gù shì

我想了很久 (
I thought for a long time)
wǒ xiǎng lè hěn jiǔ

我开始慌了 (
I started to feel confused)
wǒ kāi shǐ huāng le

是不是我又做错什么 (
Once again, did I make a mistake)
shì bú shì wǒ yòu zuò cuò shén me

你哭着对我说 (
You told me crying)
nǐ kū zhe duì wǒ shuō

童话里都是骗人的 (
that all fairy tales are a lie)
tóng huà lǐ dōu shì piàn rén de

我不可能是你的王子 (
and that I can’t be your prince)
Wǒ bù kě néng shì nǐ de wáng zi

也许你不会懂 (
But you don’t understand either)
yé xü3 nǐ bù huì dǒng

从你说爱我以后 (
that since you told me that you loved me)
cóng nǐ shuō ài wǒ yǐ hòu

我的天空星星都亮了 (T
he stars in my sky were all bright)
wǒ de tiān kōng xīng xīng dōu liàng le

我愿变成童话里 (
I'm willing to become, inside this fairy tale,)
wǒ yuàn biàn chéng tóng huà lǐ

你爱的那个天使 (your beloved angel)

nǐ ài de nǎ gè tiān shǐ

张开双手 (
Opening my hands)
zhāng kāi shuāng shǒu

变成翅膀守护你 (and 
turning them into wings to protect you)
biàn chéng chì bǎng shǒu hù nǐ

你要相信 (
You have to believe...)
nǐ yào xiāng xìn

相信我们会像童话故事里 (believe w
e can be just like in a fairy tale)
xiāng xìn wǒ men huì xiàng tóng huà gù shì lǐ

幸福和快乐是结局 (
With happiness and joy in the end)
xìng fú hé kuài lè shi jié jú

一起写我们的结局 (
We can write together our own happy ending.)
yī qǐ xiě wǒ men de jié jú

Here is the mp3 version:

Here is the Youtube video:

I will always love you in this life and in my fairy tale <3