Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dominion: The Battle For Your Heart

What: United Evangelical Church of Malabon 10th Winter Camp

When: December 26 - 30, 2011

Where: Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary, Baguio City, Philippines

Theme: Dominion: The Battle For Your Heart

Who has dominion in your hearts? What / Who has taken a hold in your heart? This question is very important because what is inside your heart will naturally flow out in your life. If worldly things have taken up space in your heart then your focus will definitely not be on God. The Bible says we cannot serve two masters.

These other things are what we call our "idols". The definition of "idols" have changed over the years. In the days of Moses, these things refer to crafted images that were used in pagan worship. But in this age, "idols" refer to something / someone that has your priority and value. In short, these "idols" have taken up most of our time, effort, money, life to the extent that, sometimes, we sin to get it or we sin if we do not get it.

The bottom line is: Because our heart is sinful and deceitful, we cannot trust it. The mind says it is wrong, but the heart tells the mind that we should get what we want. But when we accepted Christ into our life, He gives us a renewed heart - a heart that desires after God. He also gave us the Holy Spirit and His Word to guide us in living a life that is pleasing to God.

Theme verse: James 4: 7-8 

"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded."

Theme song: Lord I Will Bow To You

Lord, I will bow to You
To no other god, but You alone.
Lord, I will worship You
Nothing hands have made, but You alone.

I will lay down my idols,
Thrones I have made,
All that has taken my heart.

Lord, I will bow to You
To no other god, but You alone.

Some pictures from the camp:

Me... giving the opening remarks

My counselling group

All of the campers, officers, counselors and speakers
My Wacky officers

Hope this inspires you to evaluate your life as well!

Some references:

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