Monday, July 4, 2011

Grace by Laura Story from Great God Who Saves

As I ponder upon the sermon that our church pastor will be giving this Sunday, July 10, about 1 Cor. 1:4-6 and as I ponder upon the music that I've selected for the praise and worship, I am once again humbled and in awe of God's grace in my life. It is so easy to fall into Satan's trap when you are in the spotlight. It is easy to claim God's glory for yourself. But no matter how you view things, no matter how hard you try to hide the truth, the fact still remains that everything is from God... everything including all my talents!

Of course, I am also human so when I get praises for my good work, I am delighted. And when I get negative feedback, I get hurt. But I am learning to let go of that and rely fully on God. I know that it is because of his grace that I am  I am alive and well. I know that it is all by his grace that I am saved. It is by his grace that I am able to continue to improve and serve him with the talents He has given me.

The song reminds me that our God is not only my Creator, but He is also my Father. And like a child who may intentionally or unintentionally hurt his parents, I also hurt my God, my Father. And yet He loving says to me: "My child, I love you. And as long as you're seeking my face, you'll walk in the power of my daily sufficient grace." What a great promise! What an assurance it is to have a Heavenly Father who is willing to forgive us despite the sinner that we are. What He needs from us is an earnest longing for forgiveness and love through faith in His Son, Jesus.

Here's the lyrics of the song:

Verse 1
My heart is so proud. My mind is so unfocused.
I see the things you do through me as great things I have done.
And now you gently break me, then lovingly you take me
And hold me as my Father and mold me as my Maker.

I ask You: "How many times will You pick me up, when I keep on letting you down? 
And each time I will fall short of your glory, how far will forgiveness abound?"
And You answer: "My child, I love you. And as long as you're seeking my face,
You'll walk in the pow'r of My daily sufficient grace."

Verse 2
At times I may grow weak and feel a bit discouraged,
Knowing that someone, somewhere could do a better job.
For who am I to serve You? I know I don't deserve You.
And that's the part that burns in my heart and keeps me hanging on.

You are so patient with me Lord

Verse 3
As I walk with You, I'm learning what Your grace really means.
The price that I could never pay was paid on Calvary.
So, instead of trying to repay You, I'm learning to simply obey You
By giving up my life to You for all that You've given to me.


Here is the mp3 version of the song:

Here's the Youtube version of the song:

You can follow Laura's activities through her website:

I hope this song will always remind us about God's grace in our lives!

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