Wednesday, July 6, 2011

恩典之路 by 讚美之泉 from 不要放棄 •滿有能力

Yes... another Christian Chinese song post and I must say I'm loving these songs that I'm discovering. The first time I heard this song was from our Rev. Wu's Praise and Worship last year. I must say it has been well accepted in our Church. I'll be singing it this week at our church so I just wanted to share it with you before that day.

恩典之路 translated as "Path of Grace" is one of the songs in Stream of Praise 14th Mandarin Album entitled "Do Not Give Up • I Am Strengthened in Him". There are a lot of good songs in this album so hopefully I will be able to share it with you some other time.

The path of grace... what does it mean? Some people define grace through the acronym GRACE or "God's riches at Christ's expense". Some define it as God's unmerited favor. And while these are all true, I find Strong's explanation more clarifying. He explains it as "the divine influence upon the heart and it's reflection in life." When God's grace is working in one's life it will be obvious. (taken from God Glorified) These definitions of grace only show that from start to end, every step we take, is only by God's grace.

We experience many graces in our life... grace of God's leading us like a shepherd through life's hills and valleys, grace of being chosen to be saved, grace of his blessings and promises, and so much more!

Here are the lyrics to the song: (By the way, you can use this English translation for singing)

祢是我的主 (Lord, you are my guide)
引我走正義路  (The shepherd of my life)
高山或低谷 (Through the hills and valleys)
都是祢在保護 (You're always by my side)
萬人中唯獨 (Calling me by name)
愛我認識我  (You've chosen me with love)
永遠不變的應許 (Blessing me abundantly) 
這一生都是祝福 (Your promise will never change)

一步又一步 (Every step we take)
這是恩典之路 (You lead us with Your grace)
愛 手 (Your love, Your hand)
將我緊緊抓住  (Will hold us close to You)
一步又一步 (Every step we take)
這是盼望之路 (You lead us with Your grace)
愛 手 (Your love, Your hand)
牽引我走這人生路 (Will lead us through the path of grace)

Here's the mp3 version of the song:

Here's the Youtube version:

Here's the live version in Youtube from Goodtv show 音樂河:

May you take each day as an opportunity to experience His grace!

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