Saturday, August 27, 2011

I See The Light by Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi from Tangled OST

I really love to listen to love songs... especially now that I am in love with the woman of my dreams :) She knows how I feel about her... she knows this because I already told her and expressed this love through actions, gifts and even words, music and poems. She has accepted me as her boyfriend and for this I am even thankful to God and to her. But sometimes I feel not too connected to her since we seldom see each other in the week due to work reasons.

It's like Rapunzel from the movie, being locked up in that tower. I do hope she sees the light more and she opens up more to me and make time for this relationship. I know this will happen because in God's time, He will be the one to allow both of us to be closer together, to rely on each other, to be more comfortable and open to one another. In the meantime, I'll be patient 'cause this is the one thing that God has taught me in the whole courtship process.

Here are the lyrics:

All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it's all so clear
I'm where I am meant to be

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you

All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here, suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

Rapunzel & Flynn:
And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog has lifted

Rapunzel & Flynn:
And at last I see the light

And it's like the sky is new

Rapunzel & Flynn:
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once, everything is different
Now that I see you, now that I see you

Here's the mp3 version:

Here's the Youtube version:

I just pray that we get to know more of each other each and everyday!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Truly Scrumptious from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Ah let's go to the classics! This is a movie that I've watched when I was young and just recently after I bought again the CD to watch at home. I had forgotten about the plot, the characters, the songs but that's the whole adventure of re-watching movies! Ü I really liked the whole theme of the movie about imagination because it truly is a powerful thing. I especially like the character of the inventor father who miraculously made a flying, floating, tooting car.

The song that I would review today is the song sung by Truly Scrumptious and the kids of the inventor. It is really a sweet song full of colorful, imaginative pictures. I especially love the creativity of the composer and lyricist in making it full of love. This got me to think that maybe I'd like to sing this song on my wedding day as a loving response to my future wife... "Honest, Truly, I Do"! (There's also a version in the movie where the inventor had a mash-up with Truly Scrumptious called Doll on a Music Box / Truly Scrumptious)

Without further ado, here are the lyrics to this song.

Toot sweets sound like what they are
So do lollies in a lollipop jar
Gingerbread men have a gingerbread sound, we've found
Sugar plum cinnamon and lemon tart tell you what they are right from the start
And your name does the same for you

Truly Scrumptious
You're truly, truly scrumptious
Scrumptious as a cherry peach parfait
When your near us
It's so delicious
Honest, Truly, you're the answer to our wishes
Truly Scrumptious
Though we may seem presumptuous
Never, never, ever go away
Our hearts beat so unruly
Because we love you truly
Honest Truly, we do

Truly Scrumptious
You two are truly scrumptious
Scrumptious as the breeze across the bay
When you're smiling
It's so delicious
So beguiling
You're the answer to my wishes
Truly Scrumptious
You two are truly scrumptious
And I shan't forget this lovely day
My heart beats so unruly
I also love you truly
Honest truly, I do

Here's the mp3 version:

Here's the Youtube version:

This is a kind of movie that I would recommend to parents and even to my future kids to watch. hehe


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

If Only Tears Could Bring You Back by Midnight Sons from Pokemon: The First Movie OST

Been busy this week... anyway off to a different topic. Have you experienced a death of a loved one especially some really close? Have you desperately wished that he or she didn't have to die or wished that you could just have a few more seconds or minutes with him or her? Sometimes, we do... it's human nature and yet the irony is it is also the natural course of man to die! And yet in our weakest, most vulnerable time, we often heave a sigh or pray to God and in this case/song... wish that our tears could bring them back!

I've come across this song when I was still in high school and when Pokemon was still THE craze. It is a song from the Pokemon the First Movie entitled "If Only Tears Could Bring You Back". The funny, odd thing is that such a serious song is found in an anime movie for kids! The mood of the song is very gloomy and I really feel the words of the chorus especially when it says "What I would do, what I would give if you return to me someday, somehow, someway!" Doesn't these words express what we truly feel in that moment in time?

Here's the lyrics of the song:

How will I start tomorrow without you here?
Who's heart will guide me while the answers disappear?
Is it to late, are you to far gone to stay?
Best friends forever, should never have to go away!

What will I do?  You know I'm only half without you!
How will I make it through?

 If only tears could bring you back to me!
 If only love could find a way!
 What I would do, what I would give if you
 Return to me, someday, some how, some way!
 If my tears could bring you back to me!

I'd cry you an ocean if you'd sail on home again
Waves of emotion will carry you. I know they can!
Just love will guide you and your heart will chart the course
Soon you'll be drifting to the arms of your true north!

Look in my eyes, you'll see a million tears have gone by!
And still they're not dry!

Repeat Chorus

I've hold you close and shout the words I've only whisper before
For one more chance, for one last dance
There's not a thing that I would not endure!

Repeat Chorus

Here's the mp3 version:

Here's the Youtube version:

Hope this song reminded you of someone you dearly loved!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Journey to the Cross from

I have a song that I discovered way back when I was still new to the website It was one of the first songs that I've downloaded for free from this website and yet as I remember the words and lyrics to the song... I am once again invited to journey into the life of Christ, the man of sorrows, the lamb for the slaughter all for man's sins and transgressions.
This song is taken from Isaiah 53 and it says a whole lot about how Jesus came into the world to bear it's burden and shame. I like how verse 1 is portrayed as gloomy and dark versus how verse 2 was played as bright and with hope. If you think about it, how can a God so high and mighty lower Himself to the level of man? And yet we need to understand that He is 100% God and 100% man. He had no sin so He is the only one capable to bridge and reconcile man to God. This is our hope - that he rose again and conquered death! So I believe one day that I will also partake of that ressurrection when Christ returns again in glory!

Here's the link to go to Journey to the Cross.

Here are the lyrics of the song:

Verse 1:
Man of sorrows, how you suffered,
You were broken for me,
Your appearance, so disfigured,
By Your wounds I am healed.
And I could never know the price You paid,
And I could never understand you pain.

As I journey to the cross
I think of all that You have done,
Jesus, You who knew no sin
Came to die for me.
Taking on a sinner's death,
Humble King of righteousness,
Jesus, You who knew no sin
Came to die for me,
You came to die for me.

Verse 2:
From the cruel cross You were taken,
In a tomb You were laid,
King of Heaven, now you've risen,
You have conquered the grave.
And I could never know the price You paid,
And I could never understand Your pain.


I have two versions of the song but I like the older one better coz the music just captures the emotion of the lyrics of the song. :)
Here's the mp3 live version:

Get this widget |Track details |eSnips Social DNA

Here's the mp3 recorded version:

Get this widget |Track details |eSnips Social DNA

Here's the Youtube version:

May you also start that journey to the cross where Christ both died and conquered death! May you live a victorious life through Christ!

Monday, August 8, 2011

煉淨我 by 讚美之泉 from 不要放棄 •滿有能力

I'm trying out a new song again for this month's praise and worship. It's a quiet down song that I'll do after a short prayer to continue the mood of reflection time. It's called 煉淨我 (Cleanse Me). I seem to have taken a liking to Christian Chinese Songs although sometimes it takes time to learn and at times difficult to master. But for this song, I'm glad of it's simplicity and honesty. I also plan this song to also be the prelude as an introduction and to set the mood for worship service. I'm thinking an instrumental would be very phenomenal as an invitation to come and worship the Lord.

What I like about song the most is when it got to the part of "My dreams and pride I lay them down before Your throne... I surrender my all." It's just so wonderful and reassuring to know that we have a God who welcomes us, who listens to our prayers, who is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent that is why we can trust Him and surrender our all to Him! It also reminded me that I can only serve him if I take out all pride in me and serve humbly and faithfully.

Here are the lyrics:

煉淨我 使我更像(Cleanse me, Lord, to be more like You)
吸引我 使我更愛(Draw me close, Lord, closer to You)
所有夢想 (My dreams and pride)
和驕傲都放在腳前 (I lay them all down before Your throne)
我要完全順服 (I surrender my all)

獻上生命 完全為(I give my life, Lord, come and use me)
放下自己 願得榮耀 (Humble myself, all for Your glory)
全心跟隨 活出呼召 (I follow you each step of the way)
父神 我只願為(My Lord, my life is in Your hand)

Here's the mp3 version:

Here's the Youtube live version:

Here's the other version (with just the lyrics):

I hope you can use this song also as a quiet time song for your devotions!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Not I, But Christ by UECM Singers from Sola Gratia

Hello again... Ü This post is about a fabulous original song by the senior pastor's wife (Ptr. Hensie Reyes) in Church, UECM. It is aptly taken from Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." This version was arranged by another pastor's wife (Ptr. Dorie Li) so basically this is a collaboration of two great minds. :) The title of the album is Sola Gratia which means "Grace alone." On to the theme... which is clearly seen in the title. Every line speaks of this theme. The chorus resounds of the same words as the verse it was taken from. The whole song blends cohesively to come out saying that everything is because of Christ. I love the play of words in verse 1 (love - love unending, lived - life, died - dying, sinful self - save). Bottom line is salvation is God's work and so all glory belongs to Him as well.

Here are the lyrics of the song:

Verse 1:
Not I, but Christ has loved with love unending.
Not I, but Christ has lived his life to give.
Not I, but Christ has died to conquer dying.
Not I, but Christ my sinful self can save.

And now for me to live is none but Jesus.
No longer I, for me to live is Christ.
And now for me to live is none but Jesus.
No longer I, for me to live is Christ.

Verse 2:
Not I, but Christ has brought us full salvation.
Not I, but Christ the world's transgressions bore.
Not I, But Christ deserves our celebration.
Not I, but Christ be lifted and adored.

And now for me to live is none but Jesus.
No longer I, for me to live is Christ.
And now for me to live is none but Jesus.
No longer I, for me to live is Christ.

Here's the mp3 version:

I will upload any videos if I find one, but for now just listen the song. Oh by the way, this is in a capella :)


Thursday, August 4, 2011

To The Sky by Owl City from Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'hoole

How many times have you fantasized of being able to just fly away to another place on earth or even fly away to another dimension? I imagine it to be a just like a bird flying over the ocean, soaring up the mountains and forests, and gliding through the clouds... If you are like me, well, I just have the perfect treat for you!

For today's review, it's going to be from the Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'hoole soundtrack. The title of the song is "To The Sky" which you can hear while the credits are rolling after the movie. It has some funny lyrics and a nice tune to it. But more than that, I really like the coda part where the mood changes to tranquil mode (can't describe it clearly but it is like sound that you hear when your ears are plugged or when you're underwater). It seems the noise is being drowned... then it goes back to the tempo.

Enjoyed seeing this flick! After all, who could resist the cuteness of these owls!

Here are the lyrics:

Shipwreck in the sea of faces,
There's a dreamy world up there,
Dear friends in higher places,
Carry me away from here

Travel light let the sun eclipse you,
'Cause your flight is about to leave,
And there's more to this brave adventure,
Than you'd ever believe

Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery,
Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky
You take to the sky

On the hills of lore and wonder,
There's a stormy world up there,
You can't whisper above the thunder,
But you can fly anywhere

Purple burst of paper birds this,
Picture paints a thousand words,
So take a breath of myth and mystery,
And don't look back!

Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery,
Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky

There's a realm above the trees,
Where the lost are finally found,
Touch your feathers to the breeze,
And leave the ground

Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery,
Because after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky
You take to the sky

Here's the mp3 version:

Here is the Youtube version with the owls:

Here's the Youtube version of Owl City:

Well, are you ready for your flight to the sky?